Future News Today
McDonald's launches new programme that could change the food industry forever.
Izzy Goedvolk 01-04-2021
McDonald’s Introduces their new “MeDonalds” program in their efforts to fight global food scarcity, but not without any backlash. Many critique the program, questioning the ethics of producing and consuming human cell-based meat. Others call out McDonald’s for promoting the act of intervening with a human life before birth. People are speculating whether parents should be allowed consent to have their unborn child's cells harvested.

The director of McDonald's lab states:

“We understand peoples worries about the MeDonald’s programme. But people have to understand that with the continuous growing of our civilization, we must keep looking forward for new solutions.
Everyday more children are born and assuring them of a stable food supply must be at the top of our priorities.
The MeDonalds programme produces exactly enough meat for the masses, allowing our civilization to keep growing without the animal meat industry having to grow with us.”
In times of crisis our ethics are put to the test. McDonald’s and the MeDonalds program are focussed on making hard decisions before it’s too late and are forced to take a path we don’t want to walk. “

Whether the program will be a success has yet to be seen. Signing up can be done though the Mcdonald’s website.

Design students make table using only one sheet of plywood, one piece of rope and a CNC machine.
Hyun Lee, Kasper Boelens, Izzy Goedvolk 01-04-2021
Hotglue Hacker: Speculative design for a heat activated bath soap dispenser.
Izzy Goedvolk 01-04-2021
Thursday 1 April
Student depicts cultured meat with hand drawn Gif.
Izzy Goedvolk 01-04-2021
Colour Palette based off the themes of the project as well as reoccurring colours.