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Japanese vinyl production step-by-step
Production process week 1
Japanese vinyl (sofubi)
Solid block of vinyl gets put in machine
Machine heats up and turns vinyl into liquid
Liquid vinyl gets poured in metal mould
Mould goes into vacuum chamber to remove air from vinyl
Mould gets dunked in hot chemical bath to cure outer-layer of vinyl
Access liquid vinyl gets dumped back into machine
Mould gets dunked into water bath to cool and loosen vinyl
Hollow vinyl cast gets pulled out of metal mould when still soft
Materials: Vinyl (soft kind), this is the only material the product is made from if not painted.
Most common materials and tools used for production are vinyl boiler/pourer, metal moulds, chemical/water baths, vacuum chamber, centrifuge, pliers

Control method: The control of this production is mainly done analogue. Most factories have only a few employees working at the same time. One person can do the whole process by themselves, controlling everything by hand. Some machines have timers and meters, but these are still handled manually.

Industry sector: Asian Toy Production

Existing products: Toys, Statues, other collectables
Possible interventions & outcomes
1. Not using vacuum chamber to remove air
2. Not dumping out access vinyl material
3. Pour vinyl over outside of mould instead of inside